Wellington Bulldog Club
The Wellington Bulldog Club was established in 1909 and has the honour of being the oldest Breed Specialist Club in New Zealand. We are dedicated to the wellbeing of both British & French Bulldogs. We are an Associate Club of the New Zealand Kennel Club, which means as a member of our Club you are entitled to join the NZKC. Our Financial Year is from 1st January each year until 31st December. Anyone joining in a calendar year is deemed to be a member for THAT financial year only, regardless of how many months are left in the year. Our AGM is held in February of each year, and all our financial members are encouraged to attend. A copy of our Club Constitution is available to Club members. You will receive a WBC Bullytyn every March, June, September, and December; they cover Club notices, dog show results, health articles (particularly those affecting our Bulldogs), and other articles of interest. The Editor welcomes any articles for submission from Club members.
Contact Details
Mrs Sue CameronPahaoa Road
RD 4
Phone: 06-308 8200
Email: wgnbulldogclub@gmail.com
Committee Details
President | Frank Muncey | 027 4353 497 | frank@stonewallbritishbulldogs.com |
Vice President | Tipi Rimene | 027 275 2270 | trimbulldogsnz@icloud.com |
Vice President | Graham Hagger | 0274718625 | sherry_graham@actrix.co.nz |
Secretary/Treasurer | Sue Cameron | 027 4544 533 | angus.sue.pahaoa@xtra.co.nz |
Fundraising Officer | Christine Greeks | 021 1308 028 | kaostitanpoppy@gmail.com |
Upcoming Shows and Events
WBC Championship Show: 8th October 2018 at NZKC Show Building, Prosser Street, PoriruaClub Activities
We hold an annual Championship Show every year for our dog showing members; and we also hold Fun Days for our members who own a Bulldog solely because they love them. These are fun events, and are well attended by our members, non-members and prospective members.Club Scrapbook